Tuesday 24 May 2011

MK's 5 th Birthday Emmerentia Dam Johannesburg.

This was a picture I took of Elma Smit, model and Mk presenter. I liked her combination of casual wear with vintage jewelery and bag, this was when the hippie style bloomed, hence the hippie band around her head... very well put together Elma!

Sunday 22 May 2011

My little studio....

I was recently rearranging my flat
and decided to set up the office I so desperately needed... Here are a couple of pictures of what it looks like.
My inspiration for Autumn/ Winter is done on storyboeards on my wall... the boxes are full of ELLE Magazines and all my sewing equipment. On the table is my Bernina that I enherited from my gran, she was also a proud seamstress....

This picture wich is also on my office wall, I found at a very interesting and inspiring antique shop in Pretoria ( South-Africa) called Bell Bottoms. The picture just reminded me of the bonds between people, even though I don't know these two girls, I can guess there is a very strong bond between them, like sisters or best friends....
This tin, with the image of Government Avenue Cape Town , is also from Bell Bottoms...

Thursday 19 May 2011

Saartjie, die legend....

Ek is op die oomblik 'n trotse eienaar van twee spoggerige motortjies, Saartjie en naamloos (okey ek het die kar gister gekry, so hy/sy het nog nie 'n naam nie)
Saartjie was my eerste wiele. Ek het haar in my tweede eerste jaar op Universiteit gekry, lang storie kort, sy was my peetpa se ou studente kar, 'n Honda Balade, AMG. Vir die meisies wat die lees, dit beteken dis 'n baie vinnige kar, maar hy is baie oud. Sy was 'n suprise persent van my peet ouers af. Toe hulle die sleutels in my hand stop en vir my se, dis nou jou karretjie, het ek begin huil... en tot vandag toe nog weet ek nie of dit was oor die kar so lelik was of oor ek net so gelukkige was om 'n kar te he nie! Ou Saartjie het menigte dronk aande oorleef, en sy was ons trotse "roadtrip car" in haar beste jare, die beste deel van Saar was haar "sunroof", om in ekstase jou kop by die sunroof uit te steek en op jou hardste te gil was "liberating"! Wel nou het ou Saartjie nie meer so baie enjin in haar oor nie, sy raak nou moeg, en toe voor ek my oe uitvee het my wonderlike ouers vir my 'n oulike blou Chevy Spark gekoop... 800cc. Meisies dit beteken dis 'n stadige karretjie maar hy is baie "cute". Nou kom die groot vraag... Hoe neem mens afskeid van 'n kar? Hoe se jy vaarwel vir daardie lojale motortjie wat jou orals gevat het, al die raodtrips en herinneringe saam jou gedeel het? Dis maar 'n teer saak en ek het nognie 'n oplossing nie, maar ou Saartjie is 'n legend, sy was deel van die vriende en elke persoon wat ooit die geleentheid gehad het om in haar rond te ry sal haar NOOIT vergeet nie.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

City Bowl Mizers at Tings....

The other day me and a bunch of my friends went to watch the Mizers play at  Tings.... this was what the girls were wearing....
Dress bought in Italy (left)
Bag bought in Brazil (right) check out these girls blog http://snatchsneakers.blogspot.com
well travelled and funky!
 Handbag : Forever New
Hat : hospice...this outfit was fell thought out and I especially like the combination of a striking red blouse with the camel shorts....
This is one of my previous girls I documented,she really did well with this floral dress from Zoot, and the bag is from Forever New.... Natural and simple.
She got her chrochet top from JayJays, and her jacket was borrowed from her sister... the combination of stripes and chrochet is a bit risky, but it works.
these outfits caught my attention, the leather jacket,  and the blue dress (right) she got her boots from a shop in Rosebank.