Tuesday 22 January 2013

I said YES!

As I am looking back at 2012, a lot has changed in my life; it was a rough year, but also the best year of my life so far…

2012 was the year I got engaged! I always wondered about this stage in a person’s life, because I have 4 siblings, I always had a good example of what it would be like, but the emotion that goes with the whole new step is unbelievable. I never really thought about whom it would be that I would one day marry and spend the rest of my life with, I never wanted to put the idea in my head and maybe loose the one because of my preconceived notions. 

Then my life was literally swept away from under my feet, to put it in short terms, I became a single girl after 3 years, moved back home, a flood came and through everything I really knew upside down, my support system basically all moved to Korea, then I had to make new friends,I found new love, built a new home, got engaged, and now I am planning my wedding… Wow, I am actually exhausted just typing this right now. But to say the least I have never been happier! 

In the process of planning this very large wedding, I realized the most important thing really is not to get caught up in all of it, but to use the time to be inspired by what I see, the people that I share this time with and most important to have the best time with my fiancĂ©. 

Here are some of the things I would like to share with you…

 My vintage PENTAX, that has a documentation of the whole change from start to finish...Pretty cool!

Picking wild flowers on the mountain, to get ideas for my wedding bouquet. 

The Purple Crested Turaco, that opened my heart...

The real deal I always wanted...

Getting the chance to use my grandmothers Vintage wedding dress, to incorporate in mine...

 Sharing all these great moments with the love of my life...

                        So till next time!

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