Tuesday 15 November 2011

The inner tribal warrior...

We'll since moving back home and starting a whole new life, or I won't say "whole" not everything changed. Mostly just my surroundings and my job title. I went from being a freelance designer/BLOGGER, to a project Co-ordinator for a small sewing project called Bavaria Fairtrade. I am working with 3 South-African workers, 2 female and one male, and then 3 ladies from Zimbabwe. Most of them are still learning and doing training, but they manage pretty well. One of the ladies from Zimbabwe has "papers" as they call it, to sew. She is basically my right hand, and the person to run to when something has to get done. Being thrown into a completely different setting, I was inspired by the different cultures that I am getting to work with daily. These people come from such different places and lifes that it was just an inspiration to get to know each of them... that is where the idea for my range emerged... Tribal influence... Also my travels to Mosambique and the beautiful fabric I brought back was such an inspiration as well. Let me just add that this job just consists of getting new orders for the sewing project and empowering these people to,in the end, set out into the world and find jobs.
I am also finding myself getting a bit lazy these past few weeks, my job as project co-ordinator gets done, but my personal work/ creativity is slowely falling behind. Thus inspired by the movie Julie Julia project, I am (if not interrupted by the bad weather that flows over the mountains tha past few days, it's summer in South-Africa, this means a week can consist of 40 degree ' days and rain/ hail all in one week) going to Blog everyday on the progress of my range. I am away from all my friends and the one I love, so this I suspect is the perfect time to do this. I am 24 and I was asked today by my father what my Light Castle is? At first I didnt know what he was talking about, then he explained; he asked what  my plans are for the future? Where do I see myself in a couple of years? What do I want to achieve in life? And I realised, I don't know! I had so many plans for myself, I saw myself as this great achiever and now I am clueless. So, this is for me, if I can get this range done and finish it before the end of the year, I believe the year 2012 will have great things in store for me. It is time I take charge of my life and DO THIS! My inspiration starts here....

Also an inspiration was the feature in Elle magazine's November 2011 issue( S.A), "Water for Elephants".  It absolutely caught my attention, and it was exactly what I am about!

For the fashion lovers;

Blake Lively

I found this vintage piece of fabric in my grandma's old pile of material, and it has this similar type of color pallette, I absolutely love this!

This dress is just so colourful and full of life! Love!